Cutting the Cost of Conflict

How much are you paying?

Every day, people make thousands of decisions.  For me, it starts with “will I get out bed  now, or will I slumber a little longer,” and it goes on from there. All of our decisions involve value judgments – you can talk a little longer with your boss, or be late for your customer meeting.  Many of them closely associate a financial price with their value.  For example,

How much would you pay for…

  • A cheeseburger, fries, and a coke?
    You can go to Five Guys and get something good for about $11 or to McDonalds and get something like it for $6.00.
  • One year of university education?
    You can send your child to Brown University for about $53,000 or to State University for about $7,500.
  • An honest day’s work?
    You can pay 300% of the cost of labor and materials or you can pay 100% of the cost of labor and materials.

The Conflict Tax

Every day business leaders make value judgments about the personal cost of confronting difficult issues with colleagues, customers and employees. Most often, those decisions are made without accurate information about the interpersonal and financial cost of those tensions. Conflict is terribly disruptive to people, relationships, and productivity. It exacts a high tax on your business.

  • Decisions made in the presence of conflict wind up costing 50% more. So that new IT system will actually cost you $150K instead of $100K.
  • Chronic, unresolved conflict is a central reason for 50% of voluntary turnover and 90% of involuntary terminations. The average cost of replacing a professional employee is 150% of their annual salary.
  • The typical manager spends 42% of their time trying to reach agreements where it does not exist. Agreements can be reached more efficiently and result in greatly reduced costs to the organization.

How much would you pay to learn how to avoid the “conflict tax?”

You can keep on talking to yourself in the car or you can learn the essentials of the motivational dynamics of conflict.

Motivational Dynamics of Conflict

  • Identify the value systems behind behaviors that cause conflict.
  • Recognize how people respond in different stages of conflict.
  • Build awareness of how you respond to conflict in different situations.
  • Practice strategies for working with people who have different values systems.
  • Learn How to Cut the Cost of Conflict!